Raspberry Pi Pico 4x4 Macropad V2
As seen on the Tindie Blog! as well as on the Adafruit Blog
Buy it on Tindie
This is a 4x4 Keyboard/keypad/macropad kit for you to build a 16 key macropad with a Raspberry Pi Pico. All you need are 16 MX mechanical switches and keycaps and about an hour for assembly.
Entering the Bootloader & flashing CircuitPython​
- Download CircuitPython UF2 file
- Enter the bootloader by pressing the reset switch while holding Boot switch pressed
- Copy the UF2 file to the RPI drive.
Libraries needed​
You need to download the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle 7.x from the CircuitPython Libraries page.
Uncompress it and copy the library called adafruit_hid
to the lib
folder of your macropad.
Copy the following to code.py
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pierre Constantineau
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Raspberry Pi Pico 4x4 Macropad
Code adapted from the following sources:
MACROPAD Hotkey (https://learn.adafruit.com/macropad-hotkeys/project-code)
Pico Four Keypad (https://learn.adafruit.com/pico-four-key-macropad/code-the-four-keypad)
import board
import keypad
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
kpd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
keyboard_layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(kpd)
# define keys for 4x4 v2
keys = keypad.Keys(
pins=( board.GP3, board.GP4, board.GP21, board.GP22,
board.GP6, board.GP5, board.GP20, board.GP19,
board.GP7, board.GP8, board.GP17, board.GP18,
board.GP10,board.GP9, board.GP16, board.GP15,
keymap = [
("Select all", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.A]),
("Cut", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.X]),
("Copy", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.C]),
("Paste", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.V]),
("Hello World", "Hello World"),
("Cut", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.X]),
("Copy", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.C]),
("Paste", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.V]),
("Select all", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.A]),
("Cut", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.X]),
("Copy", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.C]),
("Paste", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.V]),
("Select all", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.A]),
("Cut", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.X]),
("Copy", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.C]),
("Paste", [Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.V])
for key in keymap:
print("\t", key[0])
while True:
key_event = keys.events.get()
if key_event:
if key_event.pressed:
sequence = keymap[key_event.key_number][1]
for item in sequence:
if isinstance(item, int):
if item >= 0:
# Release any still-pressed modifier keys
for item in sequence:
if isinstance(item, int) and item >= 0:
Top of PCB​
Bottom of PCB​
Build Instructions - Summarized​
Bottom PCB
- Solder RPI Pico on bottom plate
Join Top/Bottom PCB
- Cut the headers and sockets in 4 groups of sufficient length.
- Join/connect the Header and Socket groups together
- Line up the top/bottom PCB so that the sockets are all on the same side (top or bottom - I usually have the pins at the bottom)
- make sure that the top plate can be read and has the same orientation as the bottom plate (Need pictures)
- Solder the Sockets
- Solder the pins
Solder Switches
- Disconnect the top/bottom PCB making sure to pull straight not to bend the pins
- Install the switches through the PCB. If you have a switch plate (a grid) push the switches through the switch plate as you install them on the PCB
- Inspect that all switch pins go through the PCB.
- Solder the switches
- Reconnect the Top/Bottom PCB
- Install keycaps